Thursday, November 15, 2007

To Heaven with America!

Okay. I'm writing this in response to Matt's blog. If you don't know what I'm talking about, whatever. Go read his blog.

Okay. So, Matt.

Have you ever seen pictures of the dying people in Africa? They are happy. And it's because they don't realize how bad they have it. To them, it's just another normal day. Oh, my brother died? Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later! Whatever! Off to grow some food! They don't know what it's like here. So they don't realize what they're missing.

I personally feel bad for the poor homeless people here in America. They know what it'd be like to live in a nice fancy house, to have nice TV, to have clean water, to have a home, to eat food every day, to have money to spare. Hell! It's all around them! They see everyone walking by with a bulking wallet full of money and there they are, sitting freezing cold o0n the streets. They don't have a home or clean water or anything else that you mentioned. And the worst part is, no one is willing to help them.

Missionaries and other nice people are going over to Africa Hella lots. They are bringing them clean water and food. They are building them homes. They are building them schools sop that maybe the kids there can get an education and not meet the same fate as their parents.

Here in America, if we see someone suffering, we kick them, spit at them, and run. We make fun of them. We are evil and cruel to them. We don't give them water or food. We don't give them money. We don't give them hope. Do you ever wonder what percentage of those statistics are homeless people? You have no right to say that.

Also. You must have an awesome life. You know, there are a lot of people here, In America, who have sucky lives. I'd personally rather move out of America. I don' t like being lied to and being told that everything is okay. Everything is not okay. America is not a happy place. Have you ever thought for two seconds that maybe the people commiting suicide in America have problems in their lives? Have you ever thought for two seconds that maybe, just maybe, their parents/ siblings/ close friend was murdered and they were the only thing keeping their life together? And MAYBE the people commiting suicide were being abused by their parents and if they hadn't have killed themselves, their parents would have killed them? Ever think that maybe everyone was against them, nobody loved them, nobody even KNEW them and they no purpose for living? No? I didn't think so.

Suicide is a serious thing. It's not fun and games. People actually feel the need to do that every day. America is not a happy place. Everything isn't always sugar and candy for everyone. If you are one of the lucky people who have never expirienced real hurt, I envy you. I WISH I was stupid and ignorant like you. I WISH I thought that life was great and nothing bad ever happens in America. I WISH I had nothing to worry about. But I know better. I'm not stupid and ignorant like you. Maybe if you could open your eyes, you could see that something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong.

So yeah. You are wrong, Matt. And maybe, you should start realizing that everything isn't rainbows and butterflies, okay?


matt said...

Yes, your right. Perhaps Homeless Americans is a better example, but still my point remains valid.

I wasn't saying that we, as Americans, don't ever have it bad. I'm just saying that even though some people think they have to kill themselves, in comparison to many other people, their lives aren't that bad. I can guarantee you that your life is just about 10 times better than any one in South America. Emotional needs are one thing but these people can barely meet their primal needs. Like food and water. Sure, they don't know any better. One day is the same as the next. But still, relatively, their lives are not as good. It's not that they're any less meaningful, mind you. We, as middle-class Americans, just have much more luxuries.

I'm not saying that everything is "rainbows and butterflies". I AM saying that, save for bums on the street, America is a lot better place to be, no matter how "bad" you have it, compared to places like Africa.

goldengoddess0411 said...

ziekerz, you are naive. You clearly do not get it. I would rather starve to death than have immense emotional pain. Perhaps you should read some psychology and sociology journals. They will tell you that you are wrong.

matt said...

Really? You would rather starve to death than have immense emotional pain? Have you experienced starvation? If not, then your statement is invalid. If so, you're a liar. And my opinion is just as meaningless as I have not experienced either. And frankly, I'm not entirely convinced you have experienced "immense emotional pain" either. In fact, I don't even know who you are.